One of Herbalife's biggest independent distributors and President's Team Member Anthony Powell has left Herbalife to join Vemma and he's exhorting his 16,000 distributors to join him.
康寶萊最大獨立分銷商和總裁級的團隊成員安東尼.鮑威爾之一已經離開康寶萊加入 Vemma,他力勸他旗下的 16,000 名分銷商加盟他。
Anthony Powell will distribute Verve energy-drink products for Scottsdale, Arizona-based Vemma Nutrition Co., he said in a webcast to his distributors Jan. 6. Spokesmen for Vemma and Herbalife confirmed the move. Powell didn't respond to messages seeking comment.
安東尼.鮑威爾在1月6日的網絡廣播中說,他將分發亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾市的Vemma 營養有限公司Verve能量飲料產品,Vemma 和康寶萊的發言人分別證實了此舉。鮑威爾沒有回覆郵件尋求意見。
「This is going to be the biggest explosion innetwork marketinghistory,」 Powell, a 22-year Herbalife distributor who is in his early 40s, said on the webcast distributed by Ustream.tv. 「This is a big move for all of us.」
"這將是網絡營銷歷史上最大的爆炸",鮑威爾,這個40歲出頭,有著22 年康寶萊經銷商經驗的人,在 Ustream.tv 分佈式網絡廣播上如是說:"這是我們大家的一個重大舉措"。
Herbalife's stock has lost nearly half its value since Greenlight Capital Inc.』s David Einhorn questioned the company's disclosures during a May 1 conference call.
康寶萊股票價值已失去其市值的近一半,Greenlight資本公司的大衛艾因霍恩在 5 月1日的電話會議中質疑康寶萊公司的財務透明情況。
Powell wants all of his distributors to move with him by Jan. 10 and he's offered incentives for doing so, which include free entry into Vemma's network, he said. While Herbalife has said its network of distributors numbers 3 million, Powell is an influential figure in his world because he's on Herbalife's President's Team, one of the highest levels a distributor can attain.
鮑威爾希望他所有的分銷商在1月10日之前與他一道轉到Vemma公司,他說,對於與他一道轉到Vemma公司的康寶萊經銷商,他將提供有競爭力和非常棒的激勵措施,其中包括零門檻進入 Vemma 的網絡。雖然康寶萊聲稱它的分銷商網絡達到300 萬之多,但同時鮑威爾卻是在康寶萊領域中具有影響的人物,原因在於鮑威爾是康寶萊的總裁團隊成員,是少有能夠達到康寶萊最高級別經銷商的成員之一。
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